Jake Schneider

A headshot of Jake Schneider, a man in his 30s wearing a sports jacket, a brown patterned shirt, smiling with crossed arms

I translate scholarly and literary texts, plan and participate in cultural events, write Yiddish poems and English essays, and organize events and projects related to Yiddish culture and history.

I have been working as a freelance translator since 2012, mostly from German to English.


As a passionate Yiddishist, I organize many projects related to Yiddish culture and history.


I organize and participate in a wide range of literary and cultural events.


I write poetry in Yiddish and essays in English, often on themes of time and memory.


Upcoming Dates

Yiddish.Berlin, of which I am an organizing member, is hosting its first solo show by a visiting artist, Yevgeniy Fiks: NATO in Yiddishland, at Galerie Zeitzone, 15–28 August 2024. Join us at the opening and the other events as we contemplate the place of our international language on the geopolitical map.

If you have a spare groschen, please also consider supporting this exhibition on Yiddish.Berlin’s 5th anniversary. Due to a loss of expected funds, we are now seeking donations to cover the costs of the show and associated performances.

In any case, we hope to see you there and celebrate Fiks’s work and this milestone together!

Event flyer

The Yiddish social club I coordinate, “Shmues un Vayn,” was the subject of an article in the Forward headlined “You can now hear people speaking Yiddish in bars all over Berlin.

Learn more about our group here…

Sign up for my newsletter for event announcements and other updates, mostly about Yiddish activities in Berlin.
